RACE the Opera: Dolphus Stroud Quest for 1928 Olympics

RACE the Opera

Keith of KCME radio in Colorado Springs interviews Frank Shines, grandson of Tandy Stroud and great nephew of Dolphus Stroud. RACE the Opera will debut with a Workshop Performance on July 2, 2022, 2pm at the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum.

Tandy and Dolphus were scholar-athlete brothers who sought 1928 Olympic glory. A Next Generation opera (think “Hamilton” the musical), RACE, the Opera chronicles the family history through the prism of Dolphus’ 2,000 mile cross country hike to make it in time to compete in the 1928 Olympic Trials at Harvard Stadium.

Written by Frank Shines

June 21, 2022

Stroud Family
The Stroud Family of Colorado Springs, Colorado is an inspiring American story of tragedy and triumph. Eleven siblings that were the first generation out of slavery, set the pace with pioneering achievements in science, math, academia, the arts, business and public service.
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